Hello there -
I think I've found myself a new habit i'd like to work on: making artisan pizzas every week. I tried to figure out what "artisan" means in the context of pizza making, and I'm pretty sure it just means that there wasn't a "delivery charge" associated with it. So congratulations, if you have ever made a home-made pizza, you are a culinary artisan!
On a more practical note - this is a cheap (mine took less than $4 for the entire pizza), fun, and healthy way to have your favorite pie.
This particular recipe has SWEET notes from the caramelized onions and the roast red peppers. I added some Irish whiskey cheddar that I had left over to it, and that added a nice punch of flavor. But it's really up to you which cheese you want to stick with, just not American. ; )
1 cup luke warm water
1 package yeast
1 tsp sugar
2 1/2 cup bread flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 cup cheese (I used 1/2 cup mozarella, 1/2 cup irish whiskey cheddar)
2 onions - chopped and carmelized
1 red pepper
tomato sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1. preheat oven to 450 (oh it's hot hot hot!)
2. in a large bowl, mix together your water, yeast and sugar. Let sit for 5 minutes, or until foamy on top.
3. Add in to your yeast mixture the flour, oil and salt. Knead with your hands until the flour is evenly distributed. Let sit 5 minutes.
4. In the mean time, caramelize your onions, chop your peppers, and shred your cheese.
5. After a 5 minute break, roll out your dough until all areas are about 1/2 inch thick. You can then pinch the perimeter of the dough to add a thickness to the crust.
6. Spread on the sauce, then toppings, then cheese
7. Bake for 12-15 minutes,or until the pizza has reached your desired amount of crunchy wonderful-ness.